Friday, February 3, 2012

How do you propagate a yucca plant?

Yucca does produce seed, but the moth that pollinates the flower also lays an egg at the same time that hatch and eat the heart out of the seed pod.

Probably the best way is, yucca's are rhishomest (bad spelling),

young plants will come up from the older yucca's root, just dig down on both sides of the sprout cut the root and transplant .

How do you propagate a yucca plant?
It should have new shoots, cut off new shoot and re transplant it where you want.
Reply:With no offense I can't imagine anyone keeping Yucca. I've had both the soft leaf and spine tippied type, and cut them down, and/or dig them out every chance I get.

They do very well just by cutting and shoving the cutting into any soil, then water consistently until you see new growth.

Steven Wolf
Reply:They say air layering but I've never been successful. Much easier to just buy another one.

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