Friday, February 3, 2012

I have just bought a Yucca plant and would like to know how to care for it?

"They are durable plants and can tolerate being dry. Over watering will show as a brown tip with a yellow halo. Under watering is indicated in shriveled stalks (not woody trunk), and solid yellow and brown leaves. These are usually the lower leaves.

If these plants are grown in direct sunlight, they will stay compact and their stalks will be able to support the weight of their foliage. The less light they get, the more the stalks and foliage will stretch to the light source. Sometimes this stretched foliage will break off. "

"Give yucca plants bright light including direct sunlight. Yucca plants must receive several hours of direct sunlight every day. The plant is slow growing under optimal conditions, but if it does not receive high light it may not grow at all.

Provide yucca plants lower temperatures in the winter, if possible. Otherwise, yucca plants will survive in most home temperature environments.

Keep the potting mix moist by watering frequently in spring, summer and fall. In the winter, allow most of the potting mix to dry out in between waterings.

Place rocks around the base of the plant to keep plant from tipping over %26amp; to add extra bottom weight.

Move your yucca outside in the summer. Because these plants require high light in the summer and tolerate high heat, they benefit from being outside. Ensure the plant gets several hours a day of direct sun and water it several times a week when the soil begins to dry out.

Reduce watering if you see any sign of rot at the base of main trunk. Yucca plants will rot if they receive too much water.

Do not attempt to increase the humidity of yucca plants. Although they may look tropical, they thrive in dry air."

Your plant won't be needing fertilizer for a while, since you just bought it, but when you do fertilize, a balanced mix should be used, 20-20-20 or 20-30-20 or 18-24-16. Organic fertilizers, can also be used with good results.

Generally, water once every two weeks, or when dry.

Liquid feed - April to September

Good Luck! Hope this is helpful.

I have just bought a Yucca plant and would like to know how to care for it?
Thanks! I'm happy this was helpful. Yuccas are easier to take care of than most plants, %26amp; there's new varieties to look forward to: Report It
Reply:Plant the yucca about 3-5 feet of a window. They also prefer sandy soil and require good drainage. The Yucca plant prefers moderate watering. Water thoroughly once every 7 �C 10 days or when the soil feels dry to touch down 1 inch in depth.

Because the Yucca is more adapted to desert like climates they are able to tolerate being dry. If the foliage shows a brown tip with a yellow halo you are probably are over watering. If not enough water is being given to the plant the foliage will turn solid yellow or brown.
Reply:yay for you! :D

They need allot of light and warmth and watering, the young ones take about 10 years to become a real proper looking yucca lol, do not leave it in the cold :)

Also it is apparently quite good if you are keeping it indoors just to go over the leaves with a neraly damp cloth and please talk to your plant! lol i know that is a crazy old lady story but it works lol on gardeners world they said the sayings came from plants that did grow well because owners talked to them because the owners were just constantly giving out CO2 close to them :)
Reply:first sandy soil is best. second dont water it too often. yuccas are strong and dont need too much attention. if inside water every 10-14 days. if outside dont water it. let the rain water it

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