Friday, February 3, 2012

My yucca cane is growing mushrooms help?

is this normal? did i over water? should i pick them?

My yucca cane is growing mushrooms help?
Yes it sounds as though you over watered! Yuccas are not thirsty plants, they store water in their stalks,{desert plants]. Let your soil dry outto the point of letting the leaves get soft to the touch, don't water at night, always water

early morning for any plant inside or ouside. If your soil is old, repot[if it's in a container], if your

soil is'nt old, by a small bag of lime and add one fourth cup per gallon of dirt, this changes the P.H. in your soil, the main idea is not to give your yucca to much water, fertilize in spring and summer. Do not water in the winter {if it's a house plant keep away from heat outlets and water when the leaves are soft to the touch].

Happy Growing!
Reply:Sounds like too much water, and maybe a type of fungus. Go to a good local garden center (not a big box) and ask if they have a Master Garderner, they can help you!
Reply:You have definitely over watered your Yucca, remove this plant from its pot, removing as much of the potting mix as possible and get some new Potting Mix, you can use a Mix that is Specially made for Cacti and Succulents for this.

Yucca's do not need a lot of water to survive and require good drainage especially when it is potted.

Water sparingly, maybe weekly when the weather is very hot only. Put the water in the pots saucer and only water when the mix is dry by touch.
Reply:mushrooms are fungus and come from moisture. also mushrooms live off decaying matter. lay off the water and put in a sunny location. when the "source" of decaying matter is "eaten up" the shrooms will go away............... what do you call a mushroom who buys all the beer????? a fungi to hang out with ...hahahahah
Reply:you might want to try soaking about a cup of yellow corn meal in a gallon of water over nite, straining the meal out, they spraying the plant lightly. something in corn meal acts as an anit-fungal
Reply:if it's in a pot it might need new soil which would get rid of the spores that the mushrooms are growing from. It usually means a very moist condition whether you have had a lot of rain or you have watered too much, doesn't matter. If it's outside and you are leaving it outside don't worry and lay off the water. I would be concerned about children or pets, some mushrooms make you sick. so, I would get rid of them if i were you just for that reason only.
Reply:Mushrooms grow only where there is an excess of moisture. If you have them coming up in your yucca, then there is too much water where they are planted. Did you water the yucca or is it in a low area? As long as it is not rotting and you like where it is, then I would not worry. As soon as things dry up, the mushrooms will go away.

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