Friday, February 3, 2012

My Yucca has 3 branches and 2 of them have gone soft and hang down. What have I done?

You may have overwatered it. It's pretty easy to do (speaking from experience).

The branches are toast. Trim them off and hope for the best.

My Yucca has 3 branches and 2 of them have gone soft and hang down. What have I done?
maybe you are over watering it, only water it when the soil is dry and also check that you have it in the right position, difference plants like different aspects,
Reply:I have the exact same problem at the moment and you have answered it for me. I thought it was because I had moved house and there is less light where I put it, but reading the answers it is true that I have over-watered it. The leaves are so healthy looking but hanging and leaves have started to fall off. Good luck to both of us.
Reply:Sounds like you have overwatered. Just cut the floppy branches off and let nature take care of it
Reply:As you've already being told you have overwatered it. However, cut off the dead wood, into live wood quite close to main stem. RE-POT, the Yucca, in a larger pot, using gravel or broken pottery at the base, ensuring that you have drainage. Use good quality compost, as old compost loses it nutrients, add some plant food granules. Gently loosen roots around plant and remove any roots that maybe very damp, before re-potting, and soak root ball in a bucket of water
Reply:There are many varieties of Yucca and all are pretty tolerant. You may have overwatered but pull the dead ones and it will survive!
Reply:sounds like you've over watered it, all you can do if remove the soggy core and see if it pulls away again,

i know it sounds daft but i wait till my plants ask for a drink, that is on the first sign of them looking 'tired', then i water them, they all look healthy anyway,

cathybaby x

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