Friday, February 3, 2012

My yucca's lower leaves are shriveling and going brown but there is always plenty of water...why is this?

You cb over-watering it.

My yucca's lower leaves are shriveling and going brown but there is always plenty of water...why is this?
There are a variety of different breeds of Yucca, many of them like warm weather and grow in dry climates, so you could be over watering it, also many of them when they start getting bigger the lower layers of leaves shrivel away and die giving room to the newer ones.
Reply:It is usual for them to shed lower leaves as they age, all the new growth will come at the top of the plant 'stem'. Don't panic and don't overwater - this kills more house plants than lack of water.
Reply:In bright or high light settings, allow the top 1/4 or 1/3 of soil to dry out before watering well. In low-light settings indoors, allow 3/4 of the soil to dry down between waterings.

When you water DO NOT let the plant sit in a puddle or saucer of water that can accumulate in the bottom of the container.In low light areas this extra water may encourage rotting.
Reply:It needs a snorkle and goggles to survive. Re-pot it with a good general soil/fertiliser and only give it a bit of water when it is completely dry. Your killing it with kindness I'm afraid.
Reply:sounds like to much watering let it dry out
Reply:Yes, sounds like you're drowning it. Mind you, it could just be the way it's growing, they do tend to abandon lower leaves and let them drop off as "no longer required".

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