Friday, February 3, 2012

Unlike the lower leaves of my yucca, its the top leaves that have gone yellow and brittle.?

Should I remove them sraight away to let new shoots grow?

Unlike the lower leaves of my yucca, its the top leaves that have gone yellow and brittle.?
Oh dear, this doesn't sound too good. The likeliest cause for the top leaves of your yucca to go yellow is overwatering which has caused some sort of root rot and the first signs are the newest leaves going yellow. Yuccas are tough plants so maybe we can pull this round. Stop watering if you have been and let the soil dry right out. Yuccas naturally live in the desert so it will be used to having little water. Next pull out the yellow leaves and look inside the top. If it looks a bit brown and rotten in there then cut off the top of the plant, TAKE CARE if it has spines. If it looks OK inside the top then leave it dry for a few weeks and after that water it gently, leaving it to get completely dry before watering again. When you cut out the top it will shoot out lower down and you may get a much nicer looking plant.

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