Friday, February 3, 2012

We've had a yucca plant indoors, can they kept outside?

If your Yucca plant was purchased as an indoor houseplant from B %26amp; Q the variety will probably be Yucca Elephantipes and although it can be placed outdoors during the summer months it is not 100 per cent hardy variety. However, what you can do is to cut back the three main trunks to approximately eighteen inches and they will start to shoot again. I feel that this method will overcome your problem.

We've had a yucca plant indoors, can they kept outside?
well that depends where in the uk you live, I live in the S.E. and I've planted mine outside 4 years ago,(its 8 years old ) it does fine , but cover it in winter cos of frost . good luck.
Reply:Not all year. Frost will kill it.
Reply:Too cold in this country
Reply:depends on the species you have and where you live. I'm guessing you don't know the exact species you have but if it was sold as an indoor plant then leave it indoors until the outdoor low temperature is above fifty and bring back in when temps at night dip below fifty in the fall. When you take it outdoors do it slowly over a couple days for a few hours at a time. It's leaves will need time to adjust to the new light intensity.
Reply:Of course... that is where they grow naturally
Reply:My neighbor has yucca plants and she puts them outside after the final Spring frost, leaves them out all Summer, and then moves them back indoors before the first Fall frost. Hope this helps!!
Reply:not all year probably during the spring and summer is the best time but not the winter it will probably die from the frost.
Reply:I live in Michigan and when I was growing up we always had so many of those that we had to dig them up and give them away or burn them because they multiply like weeds. They're very hearty and take very little maintenance.
Reply:Where do you live? If it's just during the summer and still in the pot, I would imagine they could be kept out anywhere, as long as it's fairly warm. When I lived in TX, I thought they were just a desert plant, but here in Southern MO, they are all over the place (I have one at each corner of my garden). They've escaped the gardens and you see them growing wild along the roads. In fact, that's where I got mine.

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